How Do I Use My Inhaler / Spacer Correctly?
1 - Remove the cap of the inhaler and spacer
2 - Shake the inhaler up and down
3 - Attach the inhaler to the back of the spacer
4 - Breathe out fully
5 - When breathing out fully, breathe out away from the spacer
6 - Put the spacer mouthpiece or the MDI mouthpiece (if not using the spacer) into the mouth and close your lips around the mouthpiece
7 - Activate the inhaler by pressing down on the canister 1 time
8 - Breathe in slowly, filling the lungs with medicine; no whistle should be heard
9 - Hold breath for at least 5 seconds (10 seconds is better) with or without the spacer in the mouth
10 - Remove the spacer/MDI from the mouth before breathing normally
11 - Breathe normally for at least 30-60 seconds
12 - Repeat sequence for the second puff
Our Champions !
We are proud of our patients who win medals. Paula Dickson Taylor is a speedster. She competes in senior circuit track meets. She recently took third place in the World Games in Sacramento California in the 400 meter dash. Paula is the USA Track and Field Champion for the 60-64 age group in the 400 meter, and second in the 200 meter. These are Olympic events!
Joan Harper-Ingargiola is a National Cyclist Champion. She consistently wins all NJ meets in her age group. She has won medals in meets in Austria and Cuba. She has finished first in her age group in National meets in Spokane, Washington and in Indiana.
Go Paula and Joan!
Top Doctors Again
Top Doctors Again
Dr. David Fost - 2015 Top Doctor in Montclair Magazine, Inside Jersey Magazine
Dr. Arthur Fost - 2015 Top Doctor New Jersey Magazine, Inside New Jersey Magazine
"Gold Doc" - nominated by patients to the Arnold P. Gold Foundation as a "doctor who is clinically excellent and compassionate"
New Approach to Peanut Allergy
We are experiencing an epidemic of children with peanut allergy, and according to recent studies the incidence of peanut allergy has quadrupled in the past 13 years!
Interestingly, this increased incidence is not seen in all countries. One observation was that countries that encouraged infants to eat peanut products in infancy noted that the incidence of peanut allergy was considerably less than in countries that like the U.S. that advised holding off on exposing at risk children to peanuts and tree nuts until they were at least 3 years old.
That observation led British researchers to conduct a trial that involved over 500 infants that were considered to be at high risk of developing peanut allergy. Half were given standard advice to avoid peanut exposure until at least age 3, and the other half, after allergy evaluation by skin testing and oral challenge to insure safety, were instructed to give a certain amount of peanut product weekly. Then at age 5 years, the children were evaluated for peanut allergy. The amazing result - there was a ten fold reduction of peanut allergy in the group that had continuous exposure.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, and many other academic groups, is now changing their recommendations for at risk children. After Allergy evaluation to insure safety, (skin testing and peanut exposure under medical observation), peanut product should be given early in life to PREVENT PEANUT ALLERGY.
At risk children are considered those with significant eczema, egg allergy, or a positive family history of peanut allergy.
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